2025 Year of Innovation! Check Out Our Journey Page to Learn MORE!
Welcome to
Divine God-dess of Harmony, LLC
A Spiritual Wholeness Establishment for
Re-discovery of Well-being,
Self-LOVE, Self-acceptance, Self-expression, & Balance.
2025 Year of Innovation! Check Out Our Journey Page to Learn MORE!
Signed in as:
A Spiritual Wholeness Establishment for
Re-discovery of Well-being,
Self-LOVE, Self-acceptance, Self-expression, & Balance.
A Spiritual Wholeness Establishment for re-discovery of Well-being, Self-LOVE, Self-acceptance, Self-expression, & "Soul Balance," and Circle of Healing a Diverse, Supportive, Heart-Based Community
that helps in bringing it ALL TOGETHER!
Our Mission is to encourage and guide Beings to what we call "Soul Balance." We assist in raising levels of consciousness as well as building and empowering from soul energy to physicality and back to soul energy. We inspire, teach, support & innovate an individual’s creativity, individuality, vision, and resourcefulness.
By building stable reliable rapports and giving the most up to date informative, guidance and knowledge we can retrieve.
Did you know, having a relationship with ALL of our natural surroundings is a KEY component of creativity, abundance and success? Vision and purpose are elevated through being healthy mind, body, and soul, balanced & centered with our Great Big Universe, but always through beginning with SELF.
Every Being in the world is created with unique talents & abilities. How you use these aspects of your life determine where you will be led. You are the common denominator in your life experiences. Transform yourself, your thoughts and/or your actions and it will change what surrounds you daily.
Business for us is serving you with the best of our abilities. Sign up for our annual newsletter, specials, events, inspiration and be a part of our efforts to better the World!
Is built on the elevation of health, well-being, and the consciousness of humanity. We help in bringing awareness & innovation to individual’s creativity, individuality, artistry, vision, "Soul Balance" & intuition.
Empowering the collective for GREATNESS! Guided by The Most High!
"We Lend a Hand to Source, by Lending Our Hearts to YOU!"
I am… The Spirit of LOVE in the Seed, The Mother, The Educator, The Teacher, The Student, The Motivator, The Mentor, The Caregiver, The Listener, The Comforter, The Spirit Enhancer, The Healer, The Thought Provoker & The Cheerleader...
I am… A Creator, A Writer, A Poetrist, An Artist, A Seeker of Truth, A Giver, A Leader, A Path Maker, An Inspirator, A Go Getter, A Lover, A Humanitarian & A Philosopher...
I AM defined by NO TITLE, yet encompass them all as I progress to be of SPIRIT and LOVE and embody this space in the Universe.
LadyTea nominated for the 2019 Inspiration Award & a Finalist over thousands of nominees.
Results: December of 2019 LadyTea awarded 2nd Place. Holding the "Highly Commended Inspiration" Award 2019.
We love our customers, members, partners, fans, community and supporters! Feel free to contact us in any way you see fit. Gain encouragement for today!
Our normal operating hours are listed here if you need a speedy response (within 24-48hours).
Subscribe to receive in-depth information and encouragement.
Lovingly, LadyTea & Divine God-dess of Harmony Community
Framingham, Massachusetts 01701, United States
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